Thursday, September 19, 2013

Significance of Twelve Houses

Check out the Signification of all the 12 Houses of the Horoscope.

Tanu Bhava (Lagna)
Signification of Tanu Bhava:

Adya (First)
Kalpa, Udhayam (Ascending)
Janma (Birth)
Seersea (Head)
Dhanus (Physical Body)
Anga (Limb)
Deham (Physical Features)
Varthamana (Living or Livelihood)

Dhana Bhava (2nd House)
Signification of Dhana Bhava:

Artha (Wealth)
Bhukthi (Food)
Dhakshakshi (Right Eye)
Annapana (Eats or Drinks)
Asya (Face)
Nayana (Eye)
Pathrika (Document)
Vak (Speech)
Kutumbha (Family)
Mangalam (Auspicious)
Sva (Property)

Sahaja Bhava (3rd House)
Signification of Sahaja Bhava:

Dhairya (Courage)
Duschikya (Bad Thoughts)
Uras (Breast)
Karna (Ear)
Vikrama (Prowess)
Parakrama (Bold Advances)
Bhratru (Brother)
Sahodara (Sister)
Virya (Heroism)
Pourusham (Mental Strength)

Bandhu Bhava (4th House)
Signification of Bandhu Bhava:

Graha (House)
Vesma (Home)
Kshiti (Land)
Bandhu (Relation)
Matri (Mother)
Vahana (Vehicle)
Sukha (Happiness)
Ambu (Water)
Vidya (Learning)

Putra Bhava (5th House)
Signification of Putra Bhava:

Rajanka (Soverign)
Kara (Tax or Toll)
Buddhi (Intellect)
Tanya (Children)
Putra (Son)
Jatara (Belly)
Sruti (Vedic Knowledge)
Smriti (Traditional Law)
Poorvapunya (Virtuous Acts done previously)

Ari Bhava (6th House)
Signification of Ari Bhava:

Rina (Debt)
Asthra (Arms)
Kshata (Wounds)
Roga (Disease)
Sathru (Enemy)
Dwesha (Dislike)
Vairi (Enemy)
Agha (Sin)
Dushkritya (Wicked Act)
Beethi (Fear)
Avajna (Humiliation)
Bhaya (Danger)

Yuvati Bhava (7th House)
Signification of Yuvathi Bhava:

Chittottha (Desire)
Kama (Love)
Dvuna (Love)
Madha (Passion)
Gamana (Cohabitation)
Astha (Setting)
Advan (Way or Road)
Marga (Way)
Loka (Public)
Kalathra (Wife or Husband)
Pathni (Wife)
Pathi (Husband)
Kalathrasampat (Dowry)

Randhra Bhava (8th House)
Signification of Randhra Bhava:

Ashta (Eight)
Ayus (Life, Longivity)
Adhi (Mental Pain)
Parabhava (Defeat or Insult)
Klesha (Sorrow)
Apavadha (Scandal, Ill-repute)
Marana (Death)
Asuchi (Impurity)
Vigna (Obstacle, Impediment)

Dharma Bhava (9th House)
Signification of Dharma Bhava:

Acharva (Guru)
Pithru (Father)
Subham (Auspicious)
Poorva Bhagyam (Previous Luck)
Pooja (Worship)
Tapas (Penance)
Dharma (Virtue)
Pauthra (Grandson)
Japa (Prayer)
Daiva Upasana (Spiritual Initiation)
Arya Vamsa (Noble Family)
Bhagya (Fortune)

Karma Bhava (10th House)
Signification of Karma Bhava:

Jeevana (Livelihood)
Rajaspadada (Kingdom)
Sat (Good)
Kriya (Work)
Vyapara (Commerce)
Jaya (Success)
Aspada(Position or Rank)
Achara (Conduct)
Mana (Honour)
Krityam (Sacrifice)
Ajna (Command)
Guna (Quality)
Artha (Wealth)
Gamana (Gait)
Gnana (Wisdom)
Pravrithi (Inclination)
Karma (Occupation)

Labha Bhava (11th House)
Signification of Labha Bhava:

Labha (Gain or Profit)
Aya (Income)
Agamana (Acquisition)
Apti (Gain)
Prapthi (One unto)
Kama (Desire, Passion)
Siddhi (Fulfill Desire)
Vibhava (Wealth or Riches)
Slaghyata (Commendation)
Sarasa (Succulent)

Vyaya Bhava (12th House)
Signification of Vyaya Bhava:

Lopasthana (Disappearance)
Bandha (Bondage)
Vigama Vyaya (Loss, Negation)
Sayana (Bed)
Papa (Sin)
Daridrya (Poverty, Penury)
Suchaha (Backbiter)
Kshaya (Loss)
Dukkha (Misery)
Vama Nayana (Left Eye)
Anghri (Leg)